Bay Area Chess: Signature Quads Tournament
on June 10 
at Palo Alto (UUCPA)
505 E Charleston Rd, Palo Alto (map)

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Last updated: 6/10 @1am

Entries are sorted by section & rating, use Ctrl+F/Command+F to search by name or USCF ID.
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Total = 21
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Name Section ID Rating
Kabra, Om Quads 30870218 871
Raghav, Surya Quads 30516469 803
Domingo, Jacob Quads 30260549 688
Salgar, Shubham Quads 31114286 619
Bhatia, Amyra Quads 17003411 596
Li, Hsing Quads 30242303 587
Claassen, Henry Quads 30350495 577
Shrimali, Ishaan Agastya Quads 17329031 565
George, Jonah Quads 30674041 492
Tran, Sonny Quads 30548596 489
Suterwala, Mohammed Quads 30967020 451
Lemei-Thein, Dylan Quads 17116002 409
Sawhney, Yashraj Singh Quads 30692941 190
Wang, Otis Quads 30127866 163
Thakur, Agastya Quads 31128194 107
Ghilarducci, Cambria Quads 31281984 unr.
Goepfert, Kai Alex Quads 31208395 unr.
Tiu, Samuel Quads 30954919 unr.
Belur, Siddh Quads 31296502 unr.
Harvie, Ian E Quads 30985740 unr.
Gu, Jonathan Quads 31282640 unr.

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